Relevant Publications

Below is a selection of resources related to avoidable deaths.

These resources are divided into the following subheadings: i) Avoidable Deaths, ii) Climate Change and the Environment, iii) Development, iv) Disasters, v) Disaster Support, vi) Early Warning Systems, vii) Crisis, viii) Global Risks, ix) Health, x) Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, xi) Trans-disciplinary Research, and xii) Words into Action Guidelines.

Avoidable Deaths

Climate Change and the Environment



Disaster Support

Early Warning Systems


Global Risks


Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 

Trans-disciplinary Research

  • Bracken, L. J., & Oughton, E. A. (2006). ‘What do you mean? ’The importance of language in developing interdisciplinary research. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers31(3), 371-382.
  • Chilisa, B. (2017). Decolonising transdisciplinary research approaches: an African perspective for enhancing knowledge integration in sustainability science. Sustainability Science12(5), 813-827.
  • Franklin, A. L., Grossman, A., Le, J., & Shafer, M. (2019). Creating Broader Research Impacts through Boundary Organizations. Public Administration Review79 (2), 215-224.
  • Gall, M., Nguyen, K. H., & Cutter, S. L. (2015). Integrated research on disaster risk: Is it really integrated? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 12, 255–267
  • Ismail-Zadeh, A. T., Cutter, S. L., Takeuchi, K., & Paton, D. (2017). Forging a paradigm shift in disaster science. Natural Hazards, 86 (2), 969–988.
  • Klein, J. T. (1990). Interdisciplinarity: History, theory, and practice. Wayne state university press.
  • Max-Neef, M. A. (2005). Foundations of transdisciplinarity. Ecological economics53 (1), 5-16.
  • Moser, S., Meerow, S., Arnott, J., & Jack-Scott, E. (2019). The turbulent world of resilience: interpretations and themes for transdisciplinary dialogue. Climatic Change153(1-2), 21-40.
  • National Resarch Council. (2006). Facing hazards and disasters: Understanding human dimensions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
  • Panter-Brick, C. (2014). Health, risk, and resilience: Interdisciplinary concepts and applications. Annual Review of Anthropology43, 431-448.
  • Rhoten, D. (2004). Interdisciplinary research: Trend or transition. Items and Issues, (1–2), 6–11.
  • Robinson, J. (2008). Being undisciplined: Transgressions and intersections in academia and beyond. Futures, 40(1), 70-86.
  • Sapat, A. (2018). Lost in translation? Integrating interdisciplinary disaster research with policy praxis. Risk analysis.
  • Stock, P., & Burton, R. J. (2011). Defining terms for integrated (multi-inter-trans-disciplinary) sustainability research. Sustainability(8), 1090-1113.
  • Stokols, D. (2006). Toward a science of transdisciplinary action research. American journal of community psychology38(1-2), 79-93.
  • Van den Besselaar, Peter & Heimeriks, Gaston. (2001). Disciplinary, Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary – Concepts and Indicators. 8th Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Sydney, Australia.
  • Wickson, F., Carew, A. L., & Russell, A. W. (2006). Transdisciplinary research: characteristics, quandaries and quality. Futures38 (9), 1046-1059.

Words into Action Guidelines

The UNDRR’s Words into Action (WiA) guidelines are designed to provide practical guidance on disaster risk reduction topics. The present guidelines are designed to support countries in developing a national disaster risk reduction strategy that is aligned with the Sendai Framework.