Special Session – Stories of Resource Scarcity, Security and Sustainability of South Asian Women


The Special Session entitled Stories of Resource Scarcity, Security and Sustainability of South Asian Women took place on Wednesday 31 May 2023 at 13:30 SLST/ GMT+5:30.

This knowledge exchange engagement activity was part of the Special Session Webinar Series on Women’s Stories of Survival, Innovation, Resilience and Development

This webinar was facilitated by Professor Deepthi Wickramasinghe, University of Colombo and South Asia Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (SAADRI) Sri Lanka Chapter.

Concept Note


Prof. Deepthi Wickramasinghe


Senior Professor in Zoology and Environment Sciences at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.


Climate Change Adaptation and the Role of Women in Sri Lanka

Ms. Vihanga Amarakoon


Assistant Lecturer in Zoology and Environment Sciences, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. She holds an Honours Degree in Environment Sciences from University of Colombo. Her research area is Disaster Risk Reduction and the community perception on floods.


Tragedy of Women during the major flood events of Sri Lanka with a special focus on mental health issues related to floods

Ms. Ashmita Thapa Magar


Master of Disaster Management student at BRAC University, Bangladesh.


Role of Women Empowerment in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Response in Nepal.

Ms. Debaleena Roy


Project Associate at the South Asia Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (SAADRI), headquartered at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.


From Scarcity to Sustainability: Role of Indian Women

Ms. Damithri Chathumani


PhD candidate at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand and her research area is focused on Ecosystem based Disaster Risk Reduction.


Three Months in the Field: Sri Lankan Flood Stories


Dr. Nimra Iqbal Choudhary


Knowledge Exchange Public Engagement Coordinator, Avoidable Deaths Network.

Master of Public Health Candidate, Crisis, Emergency and Disaster Management, Auckland University of Technology.

Ms. Nimisha Goswami


Knowledge Exchange Public Engagement Coordinator, Avoidable Deaths Network.

Public Health Specialist, University of Manitoba, Delhi.


Dr. Inshah Malik


Regional Coordinator – Afghanistan, Avoidable Deaths Network.

Associate Professor, Politics and International Relations, New Vision University, Georgia.


Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett


Associate Professor, Risk Management, University of Leicester, UK.

Founding President and Convenor, Avoidable Deaths Network.


Duration (minutes)Time (Sri Lanka)Session TitleSpeaker
513:30 – 13:35Housekeeping and IntroductionMs. Nimisha Goswami
1013:35 -13:45ADN Welcome AddressDr. Nibedita Ray Bennett
1013:45 -13:55SAADRI and University of Colombo Welcome AddressProfessor Deepthi Wickramasinghe
1513:55 -14:10Climate Change Adaptation and the Role of Women in Sri LankaProfessor Deepthi Wickramasinghe
1514:10 -14:25Tragedy of Women During the Major Flood Events of Sri Lanka with a Special Focus on Mental Health Issues Related to FloodsMs.Vihanga Amarakoon
1514:25 -14:40Role of Women Empowerment in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Response in Nepal:Ms. Ashmita Thapa Magar
15  14:40 -14:55From Scarcity to Sustainability: Role of Indian WomenMs. Debaleena Roy
1514:55 -15:10Three Months in the Field: Sri Lankan Flood StoriesMs. Damithri Chathumani
1015:10 -15:20Q&A and Interactive DiscussionDr. Inshah Malik  
1015:20 -15:30Concluding RemarksDr. Inshah Malik



Participants: 29


1Brilliant thank you ADN for organising another great session, loved learning from all the women in the field…Eilidh ThorburnBRIDGE
2Thank you for sharing your brilliant work…Sari AndajaniAUT
3Thank you to all the participants for enriching presentations. This platform gave me an opportunity to get a comprehensive picture of situations in South Asian countriesJesika Ghatode 

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