ADN’s President Meets the Youngest Innovator in Mumbai, India By: Dr. Nibedita Ray-Bennett On the 11th of January 2020, I met Arkoneil Ghosh via Skype, assisted by his mum Rini Sinha Ghosh. Arkoneil is our ADN’s Junior Champion based in Mumbai,…
Newsletter No.1: Full Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
Dear readers and the ADN community, Welcome to our first newsletter for the Avoidable Deaths Network (ADN). ADN is a global membership network, dedicated to finding theoretical and practical solutions to reducing deaths from disasters. The newsletter will…
The Paradox of Similar Disaster Events Causing Different Impacts
The Paradox of Similar Disaster Events Causing Different Impacts: The Case of Tropical Cyclones Idai and Fani By: Samuel Akera It has become common knowledge that disaster often repeats itself. In the course of my professional life I have witnessed…
Saving Lives Is Not Enough: More is Needed in the UK
Saving Lives Is Not Enough: More is Needed in the UK By: David Wales Saving Lives Is Not Enough (SLINE) is the title of a report co-authored by David Wales and Kristina Stiles and published by the Emergency Services Times…
Hurricane Dorian
Hurricane Dorian By: Krishna Clarke Hurricane Dorian was one of the strongest hurricanes to pass through the Caribbean Region and specifically The Bahamas, a 700 plus multi-island nation. Interestingly Dorian first made landfall in Barbados as a tropical storm at…
Reflections from the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland
Reflections from the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland By: Pamela Komujuni Every two years Members of the United Nations, including Governments, non-government stakeholders, the private sector, academia and civil society, gather together at the Global Platform…
Updates on Sendai Goals 1 and 2
Update on the United Nations Office on Disaster Risk Reduction’s (UNDRR) Effort to Reduce Deaths: Excerpts from two UN Reports 2016 and 2017 By: Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett and Hideyuki Shiroshita In 2015, the United Nations ‘Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk…
Project – RCDDM: Future Leader Programme
May 2017 to June 2019 – Risk, Crisis, Disaster and Development Management (RCDDM): Future Leader Programme Funded by Kansai University’s Grant-in-Aid for the Promotion and Upgrading of Education and Research, this 22-months research project was led by the Principal Investigators:…
Project – Improving the Quality and Availability of Reproductive Health in Disasters
October 2015 to July 2018 – Improving the Quality and Availability of Reproductive Health in Disasters in Belkuchi Upazila, Bangladesh The world is facing stronger and longer disasters, protracted complex emergencies, conflicts and epidemics. These humanitarian crises can expose weakness…
Project – Earth Observation for DRR
February 2017 to April 2017 – Earth Observation for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Horn of Africa Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)’s International Development Innovation and Impact Fund, this three months scoping project explored the earth observation…
Supporting Victims of Overseas Terrorism: Advice for Local Areas
In the United Kingdom, the Home Office Victims of Terrorism Unit have developed an information pack, which outlines the support available to people who have been affected by the Sri Lanka terror attacks. All Local Resilience Forums across the country…
Book on ‘Avoidable Deaths: A Systems Failure Approach to Disaster Risk Management’
Book on ‘Avoidable Deaths: A Systems Failure Approach to Disaster Risk Management’ By: Nibedita Ray-Bennett Ray-Bennett’s book ‘Avoidable Deaths: A Systems Failure Approach to Disaster Risk Management’ , published in 2018, addresses one of the most pressing questions of…
To help someone, first you must be able to find them!
Regional Drone Mapping in Africa By: Matthew Merry To help someone, first you must be able to find them. Maps are a crucial resource in both the mitigating of and response of any disaster. Being able to quickly and efficiently…
Japan selects ‘disaster’ character to define 2018
The “disaster” symbol has been selected by Japan to define the year of 2018 By: Denise Corsel 2018 has been a tough and challenging year. Disasters have left a big impact on all continents. Japan, which has been specially affected, has selected…
Welcome to ADN!
Thank you very much for viewing our ADN website. If you would like to join the ADN, either as an affiliate, volunteer, partner or regional coordinator, please click here. If you have any questions, please do contact us. Moreover, please do…